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smudging and smoke cleansing

what is smudging?

smudging is a traditional practice for purifying or purging a person's soul or area of harmful thoughts. smudging is a ritual most commonly connected with native american societies in north america. smudging is a ritual that purifies or cleanses a person's or a place's soul of harmful thoughts. smudging is also used to connect to spirit and mother earth and summon ancestral spirits for help and guidance.

what is smoke cleansing?

"spiritual house cleansing" is how you can define smoke cleansing. in other words, the smoke binds itself to harmful energy. as the smoke clears, it carries the harmful energy with it, discharging it into a new location where it is changed into beneficial energy. because smoke cleaning isn't tied to any one culture or religion, you can devise a method that works for you and your environment. smudging and smoke cleansing may appear identical to outsiders due to the smoke. still, they are done for different reasons and with other goals. avoiding traditional medicines that aren't part of your culture or religion is the most superb method to avoid appropriation. smoke cleansing can be very beneficial for you. it helps to reduce allergies. when sage is burnt, it releases negative ions, then they diffuse in the environment and neutralize the positive ions. smoke cleansing is also beneficial for your respiratory issues.

elements of smudging

smudging acknowledges and practices based on the 4 elements.

â‹’ black (water) - this colour depicts the container, usually a shell.

â‹’ red (earth) - signifies mother earth's therapeutic gifts, which often include tobacco, sage, sweetgrass, and/or cedar

â‹’ yellow (fire) signifies the fire that illuminates the sacred medicines.

â‹’white (air) - the smoke is represented by a huge bird feather often used to fan the smoke.

elements of smoke cleansing

these smoke cleansing rituals include:

â‹’ spells

â‹’ crystals

â‹’ incantations

â‹’ tarot and any other number of modifications one desires.

difference between smudging and smoke cleansing

herbal burning has been used for ages throughout the world. unfortunately, the most common type of herbal smoke is derived from the native american practice of smudging. the burning of indigenous herbs, mainly white sage, was used as a method for invocation by certain tribe members. while, smoke purification/cleansing is not associated with any particular rite or culture; yet, creativity is an integral part of these rites. these smoke purification ceremonies can use spells, crystals, incantations, tarot, and any other changes.

smudging and smoke purification may appear aesthetically identical, yet their meaning and function are vastly different. some claim that plants have no concept of borders or cultures. they only want to help people and heal them. while this is true, we cannot disregard the wishes of people who have suffered so much pain and cultural harm due to colonization. therefore, the best way to avoid appropriation is to avoid using sacred herbs not specific to your heritage. many strong plants would want to connect with you in that way. the appropriate offerings lie beyond what the mainstream herbal industry offers.

sustainable herbs for smoke cleansing

many common herbs offer cleansing gifts to us. this list covers just a few that create beautiful herbal smoke:

â‹’ rosemary

â‹’ mugwort

â‹’ juniper

â‹’ pine

â‹’ thyme

â‹’ lavender

â‹’ spruce

â‹’ cedar

â‹’ bay

â‹’ rose

â‹’ peppermint

â‹’ lemongrass

â‹’ lilac

all these herbs work nicely together as smoke wands or loose incense. they all have their meanings and applications.

benefits of smoke cleansing

smoke cleansing is considered purifying because of its antimicrobial properties. you can also use it as a spiritual tool for some cultures. smoke cleansing enhances your intuition and can help you achieve a healing state. it can also help you to get rid of negative energies. you can use it to cleanse an object. it can help you improve your mood and quality of sleep. you can use it to relieve stress and pain. it can also boost your energy levels and leave a pleasing fragrance.


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